Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Lynn Swann: Portrait In Patriotism

Posted by Lynn Swann

I would like to thank the Palace Family Steak House site for giving me the opportunity to respond to Box Daddy's shameless and uninformed hit-piece on my potential candidacy for governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Box Daddy derides the notion that anyone should be allowed to run for governor. Apparently, B-movie actors and football players should not be allowed the same rights as everyone else. Fortunately, anti-democratic liberal elitists like Box Daddy do not decide who gets to run Pennsylvania's executive branch; the people of Pennsylvania get to decide. I have complete faith that they will make the right decision, whether it is to give the job to Lynn Swann, re-elect Ed Rendell, or employ someone else entirely. I do not believe that the people of Pennsylvania are depraved idiots. By all appearances, Box Daddy does.

Box Daddy rants in broad slogans, rather than specific proposals or intelligent points, so it is sometimes difficult to respond. What to make of someone who resorts to little more than personal attacks and leftist shibboleths like "Global War America"? Not much other than that Box Daddy is a self-loathing anti-American coward hiding behind a pseudonym. It must be easy for Box Daddy to make general attacks on my credibility and achievements since there's no fear that someone will look into his own credibility and achievements and find that perhaps he is being a bit hypocritical.

Despite the presence of flabby Wesley Mouch-esque windbags like Box Daddy, I do wish to commend PalaceFamilySteakHouse.Com on its fine music.

Pennsylvania needs fresh, energetic leadership. Find out more information, and less misinformation, at Lynn Swann's Team 88 site.

Thank you and God bless America.

Lynn Swann


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