Monday, May 23, 2005

Re: Ron English

Posted by Trott

An open letter to Charles Box Daddy

My dearest Charles Box Daddy:

Please inform me (and the general public) as to the official Box Daddy Party Line[*] concerning Ron English.

[*Box Daddy Party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Marxist Academics, Inc.]

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of viewing a documentary about Ron English entitled POPaganda. I enjoyed it and I also appreciated his art. This alarmed me. Ron English seems to be exactly the kind of artist that Charles Box Daddy would see much value in. Yet, I am exactly the kind of art know-nothing that Charles Box Daddy would excoriate at every turn.

Mr. Box Daddy, is my appreciation of English simply one of those twice-a-day instances of a stopped clock being right?

Or perhaps you appreciate Ron English but you are also certain that my appreciation is different from a true appreciation? Perhaps my appreciation is superficial at best and utterly wrongheaded at worst?

Or maybe I've got the whole thing wrong and you think English makes just plain awful art?

What's going on here?

Thomas Friedman Trott


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