Joy Of Cooking Update: Glögg
Posted by Trott
Visiting my sister, Swedish brother-in-law, and half-Swedish nephews for Thanksgiving meant that it was very fitting to make glögg. Even with the cheapest port I could find, this was a treat. Over the course of the entire evening, four adults finished what The Joy of Cooking says was 20 servings. (Actually, the pot that I used to simmer the glögg resulted in something closer to 12 servings.)
Humu and I concurred that this and the eggnog recipe are the best ones so far in the alcoholic punches section.
Photo by Humuhumu

Humu and I concurred that this and the eggnog recipe are the best ones so far in the alcoholic punches section.
Photo by Humuhumu
Labels: joy of cooking
Thank you, Rich. Four people consuming 12 portions of alcoholic beverages of is way less drunken-viking-like than consuming enough for 20.
(Are you reading this, Mom? It's all Richard's fault, see. He waived soggy raisins in my face. What was I supposed to do?)
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